You should check out my books: Hello, Startup and Terraform: Up & Running

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Play, Scala, and Iteratees vs. Node.js, JavaScript, and

The Play Framework takes a functional programming approach to stream processing (e.g. Comet, chunked responses, WebSockets) by using abstractions called Iterate...

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Web Dev, Play Comments

The 10x developer is NOT a myth

Update: you can find a Spanish translation of this blog post here.

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10 recipes for turning imperative Java code into functional Scala code

At LinkedIn, we’ve started to use the Play Framework, which supports not only Java, but also Scala. Many teams have opted to write their apps in Scala, so I’ve...

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Shit recruiters say

Just today, I got my 1,000th recruiter email in the last ~4 years. I know this is the number because I’m slightly obsessed with organization and have added a s...

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Hiring, Humor Comments

Some ground rules for debate

For some reason, you’ve gotten into a debate with me about philosophy, software, psychology, history, life, the universe, and everything. Awesome! Before we go ...

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What are the pros and cons of Play Framework 2, for a Java developer?

My answer on Quora to What are the pros and cons of Play Framework 2, for a Java developer?:

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What are the pros and cons of Play Framework 2, for a Scala developer?

My answer on Quora to What are the pros and cons of Play Framework 2, for a Scala developer?:

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Play Framework: async I/O without the thread pool and callback hell

A blog post I wrote on the LinkedIn Engineering Blog about Play Framework: async I/O without the thread pool and callback hell::

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What my grandfather taught me about happiness

This is the eulogy I gave for my grandfather on March 14, 2013. He was 93 years old.

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Family, Home Comments

The Play Framework at LinkedIn

A blog post I wrote on the LinkedIn Engineering Blog about The Play Framework at LinkedIn::

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