You should check out my books: Hello, Startup and Terraform: Up & Running

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New job

It has been officially announced at work, so I guess I can post it here now too: I’m changing jobs. After a year and a half of working at Cisco, I’m heading ove...

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So I got a new toy...

After much debate and soul searching over what monitor to get, a nice deal that suddenly popped up made my decision easy. Of course, this 150 page thread - fu...

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The search for a monitor

I use my computer daily for a variety of tasks, including:

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Gears of War Review

A terrific technical achievement that’s well worth your time, but somehow falls short of greatness.

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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Review

Call of Duty 4 is one of the most exciting single player adventures in years. If only it was a bit longer…

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I Hate CSS

Those of you who design webpages have probably seen this rant before. In fact, if you search google for “I Hate CSS” you will find. lots. of. results. Still,...

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The search for the perfect PDA phone

My cell phone contract is expiring pretty soon, so I’ve been looking for a new phone. As I looked around the web, I slowly built a list of features that I wante...

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