You should check out my books: Hello, Startup and Terraform: Up & Running

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CoffeeScript: JavaScript that's easy on the eyes

A blog post I wrote on the LinkedIn Engineering Blog about CoffeeScript: JavaScript that’s easy on the eyes::

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This is where I work. Remix.

A few weeks ago, LinkedIn held a “Pimp Your Row” competition, where each row of cubicles was given money for decorations. Our IT team ended up winning with the...

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LinkedIn Comments

Your job posting sucks.

Silicon valley is in a talent war. Tech companies are battling to hire the top prospects like never before, with Google alone planning to add more than 6,000 pe...

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HowTo, Hiring, LinkedIn, Design Comments

Why game mechanics won't save your crappy product

The other day, I was chatting with a LinkedIn product manager about a new app he is working on and I posed a “hard” question: what incentive would users have to...

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HowTo, Design Comments

I finally understand open source software

One of my blog posts got picked up by! Check out I finally understand open source software:

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A physical analogy for the creative thought process

As a software engineer, I tend to be very methodical in my thinking. I approach every problem by breaking it down into discrete pieces, analyzing each one in a ...

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Ideas, Psychology Comments

I finally understand open source software

What does Google stand to gain from having so many open source projects? What about Twitter or Facebook? Why would companies freely give away software that cost t...

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This is where I work

LinkedIn just had a “pimp your row” competition where each row of cubes got money to spend on decorations. The results were astounding. As I walked around, I ha...

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LinkedIn Comments

Java's String.split()

Just ran into a “gotcha” in Java that had me scratching my head. I had a string of the form "abc.def.ghi" and I wanted to split it on the dot (".") character. S...

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2011 Goals

The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners c...

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