After a long hiatus, I’m finally back to working my way through Seven Languages in Seven Weeks. After finishing up Scala, I’m now on the 5th language, Erlang, though it has taken me quite a bit longer than 5 weeks to get here.
Erlang, Day 1: Thoughts
The first Erlang chapter is just a gentle introduction to the language, so I haven’t formed much of an impression of it yet. So far, it looks like a dynamically typed functional programming language with Prolog syntax and pattern matching. Of course, I mostly know of Erlang for its concurrency story, so I’m excited to experiment with that in later chapters.
Erlang, Day 1: Problems
Write a function that uses recursion to return the number of words in a string
word_count([]) -> 0;
word_count(Sentence) -> count(Sentence, 1).
count([], Count) -> Count;
count([32|Tail], Count) -> count(Tail, Count + 1);
count([_|Tail], Count) -> count(Tail, Count).
Write a function that uses recursion to count to ten
count_to_ten() -> do_count(0).
do_count(10) -> 10;
do_count(Value) -> do_count(Value + 1).
Write a function that uses matching to selectively print “success” or “error: message” given input of the form {error, Message} or success
print(success) -> "success";
print({error, Message}) -> "error: " ++ Message.
On to day 2
Check out Erlang, Day 2, for more functional programming goodness.
Herman van der Veer
If you enjoyed this post, you may also like my books, Hello, Startup and Terraform: Up & Running. If you need help with DevOps or infrastructure, reach out to me at Gruntwork.