Today is the second day of Prolog in the Seven Languages in Seven Weeks series of blog posts. You can find the first day of Prolog here.
Prolog, Day 2: Thoughts
Today, Prolog broke my brain. The chapter started with recursion, lists, tuples, and pattern matching, all of which were tolerable if you’ve had prior exposure to functional programming. However, after that, we moved onto using unification as the primary construct for problem solving, and the gears in my head began to grind.
It took me a while to wrap my head around using unification, but once it clicked, I was both elated and disappointed. I was elated because (a) I often get that way when I learn something new and (b) the book was clearly getting me to think about programming in a totally new manner. However, I was disappointed because even accomplishing something as trivial as adding all the values in a list required a recursive solution that seemed unnecessarily complicated:
sum(0, []).
sum(Total, [Head | Tail]) :- sum(Sum, Tail), Total is Head + Sum.
The algorithm starts with a base case: the sum of an empty list is 0. We then add a recursive case: the sum of a non-empty list is the head of the list plus the sum of the tail. This isn’t too bad once you get used to it, but I find that this sort of code does not communicate its intent well at all. That is, I’m a believer that “programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute” (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) and this prolog code seems to be the exact opposite. Even for something as trivial as adding the values in a list, I find myself distracted by the need to do pattern matching on the list, recursive calls, and base cases.
In fact, while I have no doubt that the declarative approach is very powerful for certain types of problems, it’s not exactly what I expected when I first heard of declarative programming. Conceptually, I thought declarative programming would be all about describing what the solution looks like. From the Prolog I’ve seen so far, which is admittedly very little, I feel like what we’re actually doing is setting up elaborate “traps” to force the unification engine to fill in the proper values for our variables.
As a counter-example, here’s how an “ideal” declarative programming might let me define the sum of a list:
sum([a1, a2, a3, ..., an]) = a1 + a2 + a3 + ... + an
To me, the “code” above screams it’s intent far more clearly than the recursive prolog solution. An even clearer example comes later in this blog post, where I sort a list using Prolog. While writing this sorting code, I felt like I was playing a game of “how do I setup my rules and atoms to arm twist unification into sorting?” If I had designed Prolog using a coding backwards approach, I would’ve strived to let the user define a sorted list in a much more natural manner:
sort(list) =
for i in [0..list.length]
list[i] <= list[i + 1]
Update: turns out it is possible to do something close to this. See the end of the post.
However, I admit freely that I’m no expert on compilers or language design, so perhaps I’m being naive. Maybe there’s no way to define a syntax or compiler that can handle such simple looking definitions in the general case. Perhaps the unification approach in Prolog is as close as we can get and I just need time until my brain gets used to it more.
Prolog, Day 2: Problems
Reverse the elements of a list
reverse_list([], []).
reverse_list([Head | Tail], Out) :- reverse_list(Tail, TailReversed), append(TailReversed, [Head], Out).
Find the smallest element of a list
min([Head | []], Head).
min([Head | Tail], TailMin) :- min(Tail, TailMin), TailMin =< Head.
min([Head | Tail], Head) :- min(Tail, TailMin), TailMin > Head.
A pretty simple problem, except that there doesn’t seem to be a way to do an
statement in Prolog. Instead, to handle the possible outcomes of
TailMin =< Head
and TailMin > Head
, I had to use pattern matching and a
bit of copy & paste. If anyone knows a more DRY way to do this, please
let me know.
Sort the elements of a list
sort_list([], []).
sort_list([Head], [Head]).
sort_list([First, Second | Tail], Sorted) :-
divide([First, Second | Tail], Left, Right),
sort_list(Left, LeftSorted),
sort_list(Right, RightSorted),
merge(LeftSorted, RightSorted, Sorted).
merge(LeftList, [], LeftList).
merge([], RightList, RightList).
merge([LeftHead | LeftTail], [RightHead | RightTail], [LeftHead | Merged]) :-
LeftHead =< RightHead,
merge(LeftTail, [RightHead | RightTail], Merged).
merge([LeftHead | LeftTail], [RightHead | RightTail], [RightHead | Merged]) :-
LeftHead > RightHead,
merge([LeftHead | LeftTail], RightTail, Merged).
divide([], [], []).
divide([Head], [Head], []).
divide([First, Second | Tail], [First | Left], [Second | Right]) :-
divide(Tail, Left, Right).
I implemented merge sort. In retrospect, this seems to somewhat defeat the purpose of declarative programming. That is, instead of describing the solution—that is, what a sorted list looks like—I’m effectively describing the individual steps it takes to sort a list. In other words, this is awfully close to imperative programming.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t think of a more “declarative” way of solving this. I
initially wrote something similar to a selection sort: it recursively called
on the tail until we got down to one item. At that point, it would
use the merge
method to arrange the head and tail in the proper order. As we
went back up the recursion stack, the merge
method would insert the head in
the proper spot in the partial sublist. This was obviously less efficient, but
at least the sort_list
method looked declarative. If only there was a way to
define it without a merge step, I’d be in business.
Fibonacci series
fib(1, 1).
fib(2, 1).
fib(N, Out) :- N > 2, N1 is N - 1, N2 is N - 2, fib(N1, Prev), fib(N2, PrevPrev), Out is Prev + PrevPrev.
I ran into two gotchas writing a fibonacci function: first, I had to remember
that the recursive calls to fib
are not really function calls and you can’t
just directly pass N - 1
or N - 2
as parameters. However, when defining N1
and N2
, I ran into a second gotcha: you need to use the is
keyword instead
of the equals (=
) sign.
fact(0, 1).
fact(N, Out) :- N > 0, N1 is N - 1, fact(N1, Prev), Out is N * Prev.
UPDATE: eating humble pie
Ok, I was wrong. It turns out you can write Prolog code that looks much more declarative and much less imperative. After reading through Day 3 of Prolog, I was a bit wiser, and was able to write the following code for sorting:
sort_list(Input, Output) :-
permutation(Input, Output),
check_order([First, Second | Tail]) :-
First =< Second,
check_order([Second | Tail]).
I’m sure it’s not as fast as the merge sort I wrote on my first attempt, but the intent is much clearer: I’m quite obviously describing what a sorted list should look like instead of walking through the steps of how to build one. The recursion and various language quirks of Prolog still take some getting used to, but from a readability perspective, I’m much happier with what I’ve been seeing since reading Day 3.
Moving right along
Check out Prolog: Day 3 for some more declarative goodness, including an elegant Sudoku solver.
Herman van der Veer
If you enjoyed this post, you may also like my books, Hello, Startup and Terraform: Up & Running. If you need help with DevOps or infrastructure, reach out to me at Gruntwork.